Well, I have been lousy at keeping up with pictures and my blog, but I have actually made a couple soaps in the past week or so. The first one I made was a request for another Green Tea Lemongrass soap similar to the one I did early on. It is made with a green tea infusion and dried green tea leaves in the soap along with lemongrass essential oil as a scent.
I was prepared for the fact that the soap would not be pretty as it was setting up this time, so was not terrified by the ugly brown color this time. I did run into a bit of a problem, however. I did not do very good with the liner and it folded back into the soap, so it ended up with a nasty chunk out of the top on one side. Hopefully, the friend that I made the soap for does not mind if some of the soap is not the prettiest.
This is a picture of one of the soaps that had the liner fold back unto the soap. As I said, not very pretty.
The other soap that I made just a couple days ago was using Northern Pines fragrance (which the friend that I bought it for says, "It smells kind of like Lysol, but I like that."). I made him some melt and pour soaps with the fragrance before, but wanted to make him some handmade soaps as well, so I did an in the pot swirl. It came together very easily and I think it came out fairly well except for a little ash on the top.
Hopefully, I will have more soaps forthcoming and it won't be too long between posts!
Badger, wanted to let you know we've missed you on the forum. Hope all is well with you. Keep making soap!